Per far minestra di Lenti secche - To prepare a thick soup of dried lentils

 The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, 1570

I love lentils! They are one of my favorite legumes and they have a very long history of cultivation dating back between 8000 and 10000 years ago. When I found this recipe in Scappi's Opera I knew I had to try it. It makes a delicious (and inexpensive) soup, but an even better salad. This particular "salad" was first created for a luncheon for House Beauvisage. I needed something easy to put together, that would fit a vegetarian diet, and would be ok served cold or at room temperature.

I have to confess, I cheated and used canned lentils for the salad, but you could make this even less expensive and purchase dried lentils and cook them yourself according to your package's directions. I have included the soup recipe here, along with the changes I made to convert this from a soup to a salad.

Original Recipe

Per far minestra di Lenti secche

Pulite le lenticchie dallo sporco e mettetele in una pentola con acqua tiepida; togliere quelli che galleggiano e far bollire il resto nella stessa acqua. Mentre cuociono, con un cucchiaio grande e forato tirate fuori quelli che salgono in superficie e metteteli in un'altra pentola: questo è fatto in modo che la sabbia che a volte entra nel loro buchino fuoriesca e cada sul fondo della pentola. In una pentola mettete delle buone lenticchie con l'olio, il sale, un po' di pepe, lo zafferano, l'acqua e una manciata di erbe fini sbattute; finire di cuocerli. Affinché il piatto sia buono, rendere il brodo piuttosto denso. Con essi si possono cuocere anche spicchi d'aglio, pezzetti di tinca e luccio.

My Interpretation

Clean dirt off the lentils and put them into a pot with warm water; remove any that float and boil the rest in the same water. While they are boiling, with a large, holed spoon lift out any that rise to the top and put them into another pot: that is done so that the sand that sometimes gets into their little hole will come out and drop to the bottom of the pot. Put good lentils into a pot with oil, salt, a little pepper, saffron, water, and a handful of beaten fine herbs; finish off cooking them. For the dish to be good, make the broth rather thick. Cloves of garlic can also be cooked with them and bit pieces of tench and pike.


1 ½ c. lentils

2 ½ c. water

2 T olive oil

1 tsp black pepper

2 cloves garlic chopped

3/4 tsp salt

¼ tsp. Pepper

Herbs to taste; basil, rosemary, oregano, fennel, thyme, parsley, or sage Pinch saffron Opt: Onion (for modern taste), additional olive oil, lemon


NOTE: The beauty of lentils is that they do not need to go through a prolonged soaking period. Do make sure to rinse your lentils before you add them to your pot of water, and do make sure that as they cook you remove any that rise to the top, and any scum that forms while they are cooking. You can if you choose cook your lentils in vegetable stock but it is not a necessary step.

2. Bring water (or stock) to a boil. Add your seasonings, and then lower the heat to a medium-low and simmer your soup until the lentils are tender.

NOTE: You may add any herbs you wish. I usually add a handful of kale to this soup along with some onion, thyme, basil, and parsley.

3. To serve, garnish with a drizzle of oil and a squirt of lemon.

To Make into a "Salad" - Make a dressing using lemon juice or vinegar (about 1/4 cup), olive oil (about 3/4 cup), herbs, and spices, and mix with your lentils while warm. Can be served warm, room temperature, or cold.

Per cuocere Broccoli asciutti. - to cook dry broccoli - Scappi


The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi, 1570

One of the difficulties in setting up dayboards is providing a vegetable that is -not- going to get wilted as the day goes on. This is an easy recipe that is delicious and was very well received at the dayboard in which it was served.

Original Recipe

Per cuocere Broccoli asciutti.

Piglinosi li broccoli dal mese di Febraro per tutto Marzo netti delle frondi, & habbiasi la parte piu tenera che non sia fiorita, & facciasi bollir l’acqua con sale, & come i broccoli saranno accommodati in mazzuoli ponganosi in quella acqua bollente, & non si faccia no troppo cuocere, ma cauinosi, e sciolganosi, & ponganosi in piatti, & dapoi habbiasi oglio bollente, e spargasi cosi caldo con la cocchiara sopra i broccoli, giungendoui sugo di melangole, pepe, & un poco di quel brodo nel qual son cotti, & seruanosi caldi, percioche altrimente non uagliono. Si può soffriggere con ol’oglio uno spigolo d’aglio ammaccato per dare odore al broccolo, & quando si uorranno conseruare per una o due hore, si poranno in acqua fredda, & si lascieranno stare poi che saranno perlessati sin’a tanto che si uorranno ricuocere. In questo modo si conserueranno i broccoli uerdi,& non piglieranno tristo odore, & si seruiranno nel modo sopradetto.

English Interpretation

To cook dry broccoli

Get broccoli between February and the end of March, with its leaves removed. Take the tenderest part of it that has not flowered. Boil salted water. With the broccoli done up into bunches, put it into that boiling water. Do not overcook it but take it out and put it into dishes. Then get boiling oil and drop it how with a spoon over the broccoli, adding orange juice, pepper, and a little of the broth in which it was cooked. Serve it hot because otherwise, it is no good. You can also saute a crushed clove of garlic in the oil to flavor the broccoli.

Whenever you need to hold it back for an hour or two, put it into cold water after it has parboiled and leave it there until you want to recook it. Green broccoli is kept the same way and it will not take on a bad smell. It is served in the above way.

Serves 8

1 Pound young broccoli, broccolini or broccoli rabe
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1 garlic clove peeled and crushed
1 Tbsp. each orange and lemon juice
Salt and Pepper to taste


Steam broccoli until it's tender. Place the steam broccoli into ice water to shock it and maintain it's color.

Heat oil with garlic. Remove the garlic after about 30 seconds.

Arrange the broccoli on a plate or in a bowl. Sprinkle with juice, oil, and salt and pepper. Serve cold.

NOTE: As an alternative, the sauce can be made ahead and served on the side.


“Opera Di M. Bartolomeo Scappi, Cuoco Secreto Di Papa Pio 5. Diuisa in Sei Libri, Nel Primo Si Contiene Il Ragionamento Che Fa l’autore Con Gio. Suo Discepolo. ... Con Il Discorso Funerale Che Fu Fatto Nelle Esequie Di Papa Paulo 3. Con Le Figure Che Fanno Bisogno Nella Cucina, & Alli Reuerendiss. Nel Conclaue.” Google Books, Google, Accessed 11 Feb. 2024.