As part of Appolonia's vigil feast, this recipe for pickled cabbage was included. It was chosen because it could easily exist on a dayboard and did not require refridgeration. This recipe can be found in "Ein Kochbuch aus dem Archiv des Deutschen Ordens" (A Cookbook from the Archives of the Teutonic Order), a culinary manuscript published in the 15th century.
Original Text:
"So seudt weysse Heuptt und ein zweythell Sennffs und das dritthell Hoengs und die selbing mach undereinander mitt Wein und thu darein Koemel und ein des genug und leg dan des gesotten Kraut darein und gibe es kalt. also magst auch priesen die Seudt mitt Wrczenn und gyb sy hin."
Translated Text: If you want to make pickled cabbage: "Boil white cabbage heads, take two parts mustard and one part honey, mix them with wine and add caraway. It's enough, put the boiled cabbage into it and serve it cold. You can also season the broth and serve it."
- 1 large head of cabbage (or 2 smaller ones)
- 9 oz stone-ground mustard
- 4 oz honey
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1 tsp caraway seeds
- Boil the cabbage until just tender. It should be soft but not mushy.
- In a saucepot, mix the stone-ground mustard, honey, white wine, and caraway seeds. Bring to a slow boil for about 5 minutes.
- Peel leaves from the cabbage head.
- Pour the sauce over the cabbage and chill.
- Serve cold and enjoy this delightful fusion of history and flavor.
- Weysse Heuptt: White cabbage
- Sennffs: Mustard
- Hoengs: Honey
- Koemel: Wine
- Wrczenn: Caraway
"Königsberg Cookery Book.",,
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