Harleian MS. 279 Published approximately 1430 to 1440
This manuscript is divided into three separate parts, containing a total of 258 recipes along with "Bills of Fare", or menu's from several individual banquets. The first part of the manuscript is labeled "Kalendare de Potages dyvers" and it contains the largest collection of recipes numbering 153. The second part is labeled "Kalendare de Leche Metys" which contains 64 recipes. The final part is "Dyverse bake metis" which contains 41 recipes.- A Selection of Dishes from Harleian MS 279 published approximately 1430 -Capon or Goose Stuffed, Pickle for the Mallard (Onion Jam), Let lory (Fresh Cheese)
- xxix Milke Rostys -Roasted Milk
- .xxv. Rastons
Incipit li Kalendare de Potages dyuers.
Lange wortys de chare i.Lange wortys de Pesoun ij.
Iouutes iij.
Caboges iiij.
Whyte wortys v.
Beff y-stywyd vj.
Gruelle a-forcyd vij.
Venysoun with furmenty viij.
Trype de Motoun ix.
Wardonys in Siryppe x.
Froyde Almaundys xj.
Fryde Creme of Almandys xij.
Creme y-boylid xiij.
Quystys Scune xiiij.
Bowres xv.
Fylettys in galentyne xvi.
Garbage xvij.
Pertryche stewyd xviij.
Smale birdys y-stewyd xix.
Papyns xx.
Blandyssorye xxj.
Venyson in brothe xxij.
Nomblys of þe venysoun xxiij.
Drawyn grwelle xxiiij.
Balloke brothe xxv.
Coleys xxvj.
Soupes dorye xxvij.
Soupes Iamberlayne xxviij.
Lyode Soppes xxix.
Soupes dorroy xxx.
Brawun en peuerade xxxj.
Auter brawune en peuerade xxxij.
Oyle soppis xxxiij.
Charde wardoun xxxiiij.
Perys in composte xxxv.
Vele, Kede, or Henne in bokenade xxxvj.
Autre Vele in bokenade xxxvij.
Storion en broþe xxxviij.
Oystres in grauy xxxix.
Oystres in grauy bastard xl.
Gelyne in dubbate xlj.
Conyng, Mawlard, in gely or in cyuey xlij
Mortrewys of Fysshe xliij.
Mortrewys de Fleysshe xliiij.
For to make blaunche Perrey xlv.
Pommes xlvj.
Cawdelle Ferry xlvij.
Taylowres xlviij.
Bryndons xlix.
A potage on a Fysshe day l.
Cawdel de Almaunde lj.
Gyngaudre lij.
Rapeye liij.
Rapeye liiij.
Iuschelle of Fysshe lv.
Charlette lvj.
Charlette a-forcyd ryaly lvij.
Let Lory lviij.
Furmenty with purpaysse ix.
Trype of Turbut or of Codlyng lx.
A gos in hogepotte lxj.
Conyngys in graueye lxij.
Harys in cyuey lxiij.
Capon in Consewe lxiiij.
Hennys in bruette lxv.
Bruet Sareson lxvj.
Bruet of Almayne lxvij.
Bruet of Almaynne in lente lxviij.
Whyte Mortrewys lxix.
Faintempere lxx.
Murrey lxxj.
Talbottys lxxij.
Conyngys in cyuey lxxiij.
Arbolettys lxxiiij.
Spyneye lxxv.
Brasele lxxvj.
Creme de Coloure lxxvij.
Colouryd sew without fyre lxxviij.
Apple mose lxxix.
Salomene lxxx.
Blaundyssorye lxxxj.
Blamangere lxxxij.
Vyand de cyprys bastard lxxxiij.
Vyand de cyprys ryalle lxxxiiij.
Gaylede lxxxv.
Rys lxxxvj.
Mammenye ryalle lxxxvij.
Mammenye bastard lxxxviij.
Elys in Gauncely lxxxix.
Hennys in Gauncely lxxxx.
Vyolette lxxxxj.
Oystrys in bruette lxxxxij.
Walkys in bruette lxxxxiij.
Tenche in bruette lxxxxiiij.
Tenche in cyueye lxxxxv.
Tenche in Sauce lxxxxvj.
Chykonys in bruette lxxxxvij.
Blamanger of Fysshe lxxxxviij.
Sardeyneȝs lxxxxix. - candied nuts (the happy mistake but incorrect for period)
Sardeyneȝs lxxxxix. - an almond pottage (done right!)
Roseye C.
Eyroun in poche Cj.
Muskelys in bruette Cij.
Fygeye Ciij.
Lorey de bolas Cv.
Rapeye of Fleysshe Cvj.
Sore sengle Cvij.
Prymerose Cviij.
Gelye de chare Cix.
Gelye de Fysshe Cx.
Tannye Cxi.
Sturmye Cxij.
Bruette sake Cxiij.
Taylys Cxiiij.
Quynade Cxv.
Blaunche de ferry Cxvj.
Sawge Cxvij.
Murreye Cxviij.
Vyaunde de cyprys in Lente Cxix.
Whyte Mortrewys of Porke Cxx.
Rapeye Cxxj.
A rede morreye Cxxij.
Stawberye Cxxiij.
Chyrioun Cxxiiij.
Vyolette Cxxv.
Rede Rose Cxxvj.
Prymerose Cxxvij.
Flourys of hawþorn Cxxviij.
A potage on a fyssheday Cxxix.
Brues in lente Cxxx.
A potage colde Cxxxj.
Sauke sarsoun Cxxxij.
Rapeye Cxxxiij.
Apple moyle Cxxxiiij.r
Applade Ryal Cxxxv.
A potage of Roysonys Cxxxvj.
Chykonys in dropey Cxxxvij.
Pumpes Cxxxviij.
Caudel Ferry departy with a blamanger Cxxxix.
Egredouncye Cxl.
Noteye Cxlj.
Vyaunde Ryal Cxlij.
Lampreys in galentyne Cxliij.
Chyconys wyth þe brewes Cxliiij.
Blaunche pereye Cxlv.
Ryth so caboges Cxlvj.
Brewes in lentyn Cxlvij.
Whyte pesyn in grauey Cxlviij.
A potage Cxlix.
Caudel owt of lentyn Cl.
Creme bastard Clj.
Capon in salome Clij.
Pompys Cliij.
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