Tournament of the Arts at Winged Hills Luncheon


Tournament of the Arts, Spring A.S. LVIII (58) – February 3, 2024

On-Site Lunch by Mistress Bronwyn ni Mhathain

Uva Fresca di Piu sorti  - grapes of all manners - Scappi

Mandorle e noci fresche   -fresh walnuts and almonds  <-- these did not make it to site but continued to sit on my counter and mock me for forgetting them ;-/

Capperi e olive assortite - capers and assorted olives

Cascio - Cheese

Mostaccioli a la Romana - sweet cake

Ingredient list - sugar, flour, almond flour, egg yolk, cinnamon powder, opt: dried fruit

Biscottini di zuccaro - sugar biscuits  

Ingredient list  - egg white, sugar

Preparare una gattafura di cipolle alla genovese. - to prepare Genevese onion gattafura (tart)  

Ingredient list -  pastry dough (whole wheat and white flour mix, oil, salt & water), fresh mozzarella balls, onions, vinegar, salt and pepper

Capponi sopramentati serviti freddi con caparetti sopra - capon "sopramentato" - cold sliced chicken

Ingredient list - chicken, prosciutto, thyme, sage, parsley, fennel, nutmeg, egg yolk, ricotta, fontina and parmesan cheese, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, pepper, coriander, saffron

Per fare polpettoni alla romanesca di lombolo di boue, o di uaccina - To make Roman-style fingers of the above lean meat
Ingredient list - Beef chuck steak, bacon, pomegranate juice, balsamic vinegar, sage leaves, coriander, salt, pepper, cinnamon, clove, ginger, pepper, coriander, saffron

Salsa di noci e aglio - Walnut and Garlic sauce 

Ingredients vegetable stock onions were cooked in, bread crumbs, garlic, walnuts, parsley, salt pepper and strong spice powder

Salsa viridis - Green Sauce
Ingredient list - bread crumbs, parsley, sage, pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, wine vinegar, garlic, water

Per cuocere Broccoli asciutti. - to cook dry broccoli 

Ingredient list - broccoli, olive oil, garlic, orange juice, salt, and pepper

Per far minestra di Lenti secche - To prepare a thick soup of dried lentils

Ingredient list - lentils, garlic, pepper, salt, olive oil, lemon, fresh herbs 

Fritelli di Riso – Rice Fritters - Scappi **these are sweet, made with almond milk and sugar**

Ingredients: almond milk, rice, sugar, raisins, egg, lemon or orange zest, oil, Lemon juice, flour

Insalata di arance tagliate a fette, servite con zucchero e acqua di rose - Sliced orange salad with orange flower water and sugar

Ingredient list -  oranges, orange flower water, lemon juice, dates, mint

Per fare la pizza di molti strati, comunemente freddi pasta secca a strati- To make pizza of many layers, commonly called a cold dry layered pastry. 

Ingredients: butter, sugar, dried elderflowers, rosewater, phyllo dough

**Strong Spice Powder** “Common Spices” Duke’s Powder from Libre Del Coch- cinnamon, cloves, ginger, pepper, coriander, saffron

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