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.xxxviij. Storion in brothe. Sturgeon in Broth - Sturgeon was one of the favored fishes and in England was reserved for the King. You can eat like a king on this simply divine soup of fish, cooked in a delicate broth seasoned pepper, mace, cinnamon and ginger, sharpened with vinegar and scented with saffron.
.xlv.--For to make Blawnche Perrye. -Creamed Leeks with Fish-- a delicious dish of leeks, cooked with almond milk and rice traditionally served with fish. Also a very brief look at medieval food preservation methods.
.Cxlviij. Whyte Pesyn in grauey.- White Peas in Gravy - Yellow peas cooked in almond milk, seasoned with sugar and onion create a delcious and surprisingly delicate yet hearty soup enjoyed by king's and peasants alike. Perfect for Lent. I urge you to try it!
lxviij - Bruet of Almaynne in lente. Rice Porridge with Dates - Rice and almond milk porridge, sweetened with dates. Talk about medieval comfort food! This dish is creamy, sweet and delicious. It can be put together in just a few minutes and served for breakfast or as part of a feast.
xij - Fride Creme of Almaundys. - Cold Cream of Almonds - A medieval recipe for a "creamed cheese" or "butter" made from almonds. Perfect for Lent, or those with allergies to dairy.